Got a job in IT, even if you fail all math test back in high school.

1 min readAug 26, 2021
Photo by Christina @ on Unsplash

To Whom It May Concern,

IT, also known as information technology has many aspects and not all of them require mathematic skills.

I know many have been trapped in the current situation. Wishing to leave your current position but is intimidated by the fancy terms from gigs in big technology companies. I was scared too, but I did transform my life into a more promising career and well-paid position than I was before.

Many friends have asked about how I went from failing almost all math classes in high school, to a degree that is nowhere related to computer science end up in an IT role in a foreign country. To be honest, I didn’t imagine myself here when I was in high school. I accomplish all these with hard work and a lot of luck.

This blog is planned to record future studies and projects which might lead me to better opportunities in the future. As well as my journey of becoming an IT engineer. Hope it can be helpful to those who still hesitated about making the change.

Best regards,





Failed math in high school, without computer science degree, working as an IT engineer in a foreign country.